Renew Your Membership
Members renew their membership annually on or before December 31st.

Membership Types
Art Supporter – $20
Businesses or individuals who wish to support the mission and activities of the organization, but do not plan to go through the jury process or participate in art sales and gallery events. -
Associate Member – $30
All new members who intend to go through the jury process and wish to participate in art sales and gallery events. After joining, you will be contacted about how to complete the jury process. -
Juried Artist/Juried Team – $50
Current members that have successfully completed the jury process. A team is defined as 2 or more artists that create one cohesive body of work under the same business name. -
Associate Member-Student – no cost
For any full-time student 16 and over.

Benefits of Membership
Opportunities for artist-to-artist interactions
Educational opportunities for artist’s self-improvement
Opportunities to learn about the business of art
Personal artist page on our website
Promotion of your personal art business on our social media outlets
Access to our closed Facebook group
Discounted entry fees for 14 South Artists, Inc. art events
A chance to shape the opportunities and events provided by the group

Benefits of Juried Membership
The ability to display and sell your artwork at events sponsored by 14 South Artists
Once juried in with a medium, no additional jury fees are assessed for that medium for any 14 South Artists’ sponsored events
Juried members are welcome to go through the jury process to add other mediums, but can only jury in one medium at a time. Each additional medium requires a jury fee of $20.00
Several opportunities each year to show and sell your art
For membership questions please contact
Membership Renewal Application
This application is for returning members only. This application will not save until the Submit button is pushed.