Meet The Board of Directors
14 South Artists, Inc. is governed by a Board elected by the membership to serve two-year terms.

Francine Tompkins

Shirley Duerst

Bob Hodgson
Events Director

Francis Stanton
Vice President

Michelle Larson

Pat Seidel
Membership Director
Committee Chairs
To successfully meet the objectives of 14 South Artists, Inc., we are dependent upon on the active participation our members. All members (e.g., Art Supporter, Associate member, Juried Artists) may serve on any of the following committees, with the exception of the Jury Committee. Please contact the specific committee chair if you have an interest in serving.
Education Program Committee Chair: Francis Stanton
Firefly Café Holiday Show Committee Chair: Francine Tompkins
Jury Committee Chair*: Narra Smith Cox
Membership Committee Chair: Pat Seidel
Oregon Art Center Advisory Committee Chair: Francine Tompkins
Regional Art Tour Committee Chair: Shirley Duerst
UW Hospital Show Chair: Open
*Only Juried Artists may serve on the jury committee
14 South Artists is a volunteer organization. We rely on our members to ensure our future success. Do you have talents you can share with the group?
Consider joining the board, chairing a committee, volunteering to be part of a committee, or helping with an event. Requests for volunteers are often made at member meetings and through our closed 14 South Members Facebook group.
To volunteer, learn more about opportunities, or more information, please send an email to
Our Local Sponsors