Karen Callahan
Felting in is the ancient art of creating non-woven fabric or other functional and/or ornamental objects from wool by agitating the scaly fibers until they bond together. There are several different methods for achieving a variety of results, primarily using heat, moisture, and/or pressure. Needle felting is my process of choice…repeatedly jabbing the wool fibers with sharp needles to form decorative three-dimensional pieces. No glue, thread or any other bonding agent is needed in the sculpting process as the compression causes the fibers to lock together naturally in a velcro-like fashion. Occasionally other materials such as bendable wire might be embedded to give rigidity to a small structure, or embellishments added for decoration. (And yes, occasionally a drop or two of blood is shed in the process!) But basically, each creation is just wool fiber that has been compressed into a specific shape. Whether lifelike, abstract or whimsical, I find the level of fine detail that can be achieved is astounding considering the process begins and ends with little more than loose wool and a sharp needle.
I also enjoy bead-work that encompasses constructing beaded pens and bottle-toppers in addition to making jewelry. While unrelated to needle felting, both are definitely hands-on processes…something I enjoy tremendously along with the challenge and satisfaction of creating unique pieces for people to enjoy.
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Art Felt Needle Felting

Fiber Arts/Jewelry/Stone Carving